The District Advisory Board is an elected official of the district government. The Arkansas state constitution provides that the aide is elected for a four-year term, provided he is a qualified voter and a county resident. In the event of a vacancy, the Court of Quorum will fill the vacancy by appointment. The person appointed will remain in office until the next general election when a successor is elected and qualified.Before starting their work, the appraiser must sign an official declaration to ensure their duties are carried out correctly. This can be done through the government’s loyalty bonus scheme, which covers all employees on the payroll, or through a loyalty bonus purchased for civil servants. The district adviser must also take the constitutional oath of office.
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The surveyor is entitled to the salary fixed for his function by the applicable law and the court’s award of the first instance. Still, he must keep the various commissions and fees he receives to exercise his duties as a surveyor, for he has a right relating only to an officer or administrator of county treasuries.To assist the Assessor in performing his duties, the Cleveland County Assessor may appoint some Assessors/Deputies approved by the Court for a quorum. The Evaluator generally supervises the Evaluators/Alternates and may dismiss them and regulate their employment within the guidelines established by the competent court.
The County Adviser’s Office will operate under the budget for the office established annually by the County Court of Quorum.
The appraiser must provide a summary of the appraisals showing the total estimated value of the neighborhood. By the third Monday in August, the appraiser must deliver the real estate appraisal book to the county official. By July 31, the appraiser must also deliver the real estate appraisal book to the county agent (ACA 26- 26-716). The county appraiser has the legal authority to correct land or estate tax record errors after submission to the county collector, provided the correct pre-numbered triplicate form is used.